30 November 2014

Some emergency prayer requests:

For my uncle who is still having symptoms from car accident and a stroke, and for my cousin who recently suffered a heart attack, as well as for another uncle who is trying to get his life back together. Thank you and God bless all of you. I hope that all of you have had a blessed Thanksgiving weekend (for my American readers) and for my non-American readers a blessed weekend.

Pax Vobis.

18 November 2014

The Liturgy

Q 218: What is Liturgy?

The Liturgy is the celebration of the mystery of Christ and in particular His Paschal Mystery. Through the exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ the liturgy manifests in signs and brigs about the sanctification of humankind. The public worship which is due to God is offered by the Mystical Body of Christ, that is, by its head and its ministers.

Q 219: What place does the liturgy occupy in the life of the Church?

The liturgy as the sacred action par excellence is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed and it is likewise he font from which all her power flows. Through the liturgy Christ continues the work of our redemption in, with, and through His Church.

I know many people ask me, why I'm such a Liturgical "snob" (for lack of a better word). The Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our Faith, and the Eucharist can't happen outside of the Liturgical context. That is to say a priest can't consecrate Jesus outside of Mass/Divine Liturgy.

It is a matter of justice that we have good Liturgy. It is the public worship of God. It should reflect His Majesty, His Grandeur, His Glory. Hence all of the beauty is ordered for His Glory, not for our own.

Every detail should reflect Him, and not us. This is why I'm so particular about the Liturgy and continue to fight for good liturgy, in spite of the present happenings.

I am starting formation for the OCDS, if you can keep me in prayer, I'd really appreciate it :). Writing gives me an excuse to do my homework :p

Pax Vobis

Thought of the day

Some people have this strange idea that using Eastern Catholic customs on the West will improve matters. Umm, not so much.

16 November 2014

Thought of the day

Three sources, God, devil, ourselves, and often dealing with ourselves is the hardest of the 3.

12 November 2014

Prayer requests

Apparently some kind of invader decided that it's okay to enter and cause coughing and runny noses...pray that I get better soon :)...

03 November 2014

A little help for my non scientist friends

I'm sure everyone was waiting for me to weigh in on the Pope's comments on the Big Bang Theory and Evolution.

The Holy Father is a trained chemist, so he gets a little bit of a slide on his comments. But of course as everyone knows the order or hierarchy in science is: physicist = mathematician > chemist > biologist > everyone else :p (And if you don't, this IS how we view the universe of science...(yes, it's tongue in cheek, but there's an element of truth to this, physics is HARD) But there are some important principles which are often forgotten which one needs to be reminded of.

a. Something can't come from nothing.

I feel that physics students would do better with either a semester or a year of philosophy under their belts because of the language of philosophy that penetrates physics often enough. Basic philosophy teaches that something can't come from nothing. This principle extends into physics. There can't be something without an atia (a cause)....Things do not appear out of thin air. In this sense, yes, God is not a magician...it's not a slight of hand or optical illusion, but His creation is real and True.

Understanding the laws of motion, there's a point that often gets confused about the first law. The first law deals with the absence of external (outside) forces. In this situation, a body is at rest or at constant velocity (but not both at the same time)...(The situation of the sum of outside forces being zero is not dealt with in the first law)

Likewise, any change in movement (whether it be a big bang, or even evolution) can't happen without a cause. To say that it happens by itself would be a heretical physics idea. More or less this is what I think the Holy Father was attempting to convey, but could have done so better (It's been a while since he's seen all this stuff, so I'm sure he's a bit rusty...I'm not allowed to get rusty, I have someone that's on my back for it)

b. Getting some things out the way

God is not the author of confusion or deception....that must be kept in mind when he is referring to God not being a magician. But there also things that we need to keep in mind.

Scripture reveals a few things about the order of the universe, that the earth was created first, light came before the stars and the sun, and man was formed from dirt, woman from the rib of Adam...

What it does not say is whether a model was used, where the earth was placed in the order of the universe. (It is not directly implicit that the earth would be in the center of the universe, many of the Church Fathers believed that the earth was at the center of the universe)....For God does not have to do so, but he could very well do so. God is all knowing and all present, and while not bound to our human limitations and our language, God is a God of order and reason, so He would not do things that'd violate order and reason.

A point I ought to mention about physics is that mathematics is a tool to assist us in the understanding of the universe. It is not, never has been, and never will be the end all be all of physics. There are times when math goes beyond physics and vise versa. So, I must say that this particular quote from Pat Archibald is not true at all. (Will  not let me link to the quote)

"Physics is the only profession where you can say stupid stuff like "Ummm, I think that 90% of the universe must be made up of unobserved and invisible stuff because otherwise my equations don't work" and people still think you are good at your job."

The vast majority of concepts in physics are NOT defined mathematically, but rather described mathematically. Y'all might think I'm being a nit picky person, but, it is a HUGE distinction which must be made. A great example is the equation for Gravitational Energy. We do not define force as a mathematical concept, but rather this is an approximation, what we've observed and shown through experiment to happen. To define something in stone, means that it can't be changed. And if you've noticed anything there have been lots of various discoveries, whether it be the Higgs Bosom, and pretty much everything post 1870. What beauty this universe is to be able to find out new things as we pursue the Order of Truth. Yes, I'm being picky, but it's because we do not wish to be limited by things we're not limited by.

But all my words being said, bear in mind that this is a weekday homily and has zero bearing on the Magisterium....but golly, it'd be nice if we at least can get some of these things right....I'm probably going to have to become the pontifical lecturer of physics just to keep his head on straight :p. Hopefully this relatively short post will help clear some things.

Pax Vobis

Thought of the day

It's often hard to forgive those that have wronged us. For often we tend to take things rather personally and let things get to our inner most being. And it really does not help when those that do hurt us pour cubic meters of salt on top of open wounds that we're trying to heal. Yet in spite of this we must forgive...forgetting may very well not be in the nature of some...especially for those of a particular temperament...but we must do so, even if this process takes multiple decades, even if they do not acknowledge their wrong, even if they reach for the extra strength salt to pour into those open wounds, especially if they grab a knife and make more wounds and then grab that salt again.